

来源: | 发布日期:4个月前 | 浏览次数:






  1. **需求对接与方案定制**:缘通租赁的客服团队第一时间与学校负责人进行了深入沟通,详细了解了考试规模、场地分布及具体需求。随后,结合学校实际情况,量身定制了一套包含多型号手机屏蔽仪、快速部署方案及现场技术支持的全方位租赁服务方案。

  2. **设备准备与预测试**:为确保万无一失,缘通租赁提前一周将所需设备全部调配到位,并在学校指定区域进行了全面的预测试。测试过程中,技术人员对每台设备进行了精细调试,确保其在考试期间能够有效覆盖全校所有考场,同时避免对周边居民区造成不必要的影响。

  3. **现场部署与技术支持**:考试前一天,缘通租赁的专业团队提前进驻学校,按照既定方案迅速完成了设备的安装与调试工作。考试期间,团队还安排了专人值守,随时准备应对可能出现的突发情况,确保考试顺利进行。






  **English Version**:

  **Successful Case of Mobile Phone Signal Blocker Rental in Yantai, Shandong**

  Amidst the rapid advancement of information technology, electronic devices have become vital tools in daily life and work, yet they also pose significant distractions in specific settings such as exams and important meetings. Yuantong Rental, a leading electronic equipment rental service provider in Yantai, Shandong, recently delivered an efficient and professional mobile phone signal blocker rental service to a prestigious high school in the city, garnering high praise and recognition from the client.


  The prestigious high school in Yantai was preparing for its annual final exams. To ensure fairness and seriousness, the school administration decided to implement strict electronic device control measures to prevent students from cheating using mobile phones. Recognizing the cost-effectiveness of renting rather than purchasing, the school chose to seek rental services. After careful consideration, Yuantong Rental stood out with its rich industry experience, professional equipment, and flexible rental plans.

  **Service Process**:

  1. **Needs Alignment & Customized Solution**: Yuantong Rentals customer service team engaged in detailed discussions with school officials, understanding the exam scale, venue distribution, and specific requirements. Based on this, a comprehensive rental service plan including multiple types of signal blockers, rapid deployment, and on-site technical support was tailored.

  2. **Equipment Preparation & Pre-testing**: To ensure success, Yuantong Rental pre-allocated all necessary equipment a week in advance and conducted comprehensive pre-testing at designated school areas. Technicians fine-tuned each device to ensure full coverage during the exams while minimizing impact on neighboring residential areas.

  3. **Onsite Deployment & Technical Support**: The day before the exams, Yuantong Rentals professional team arrived early to swiftly install and test the equipment as per the plan. During the exams, dedicated personnel were stationed for immediate response to any unexpected situations, ensuring smooth proceedings.

  **Customer Feedback**:

  After the exams, the schools Administrative Office highly commended Yuantong Rentals services: Not only did Yuantong Rental provide high-quality signal blockers, but their professional attitude and efficient execution won our trust. From needs analysis to onsite deployment and post-support, every step demonstrated


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